The main mission of the Home Economics circle is to prepare students for independent life in modern society.
The purpose of the work of the "Home Economics" circle is the formation of students' knowledge, skills, skills in self-preparation of dishes and culinary products, competencies necessary for their social adaptation and integration into society. Formation of pupils' knowledge, skills, and skills in cooking and culinary products; preparation for independent family life. The program of the circle is designed for children of high school age.
Carrying out work on teaching pupils to prepare a variety of healthy dishes and drinks. Formation of skills for the correct maintenance of the workplace, dishes, premises. Pupils are happy to learn the ability to cook food from available products, set the table, decorate aesthetically pleasing dishes, etc.
Classes are held once a week (4 classes per month - 2 practical classes and 2 theoretical). Classes are held in the form of: practical and combined practical classes. In the course of classes during the year, children will get acquainted with the organization of work in the kitchen, the technology of mechanical culinary processing of raw materials, the history of culinary art, organization. We studied the rules of safe operation of technological equipment and tools, compliance with the rules of sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety rules. Much attention was paid to economical housekeeping, cooking dishes from available products that can be used in everyday life, careful attitude to food.
The head of the circle: Tasybaeva M.A